Everything You Wanted To Know About Nancy Mace

South Carolina state house Rep. Nancy Mace is known for her public attacks against women, publicly mocking people for their sexual orientation, creating false news stories for profit and promoting graphic images of violence against women. As a SC Representative, she has voted against policy that can help women and minorities. In instances of domestic assault and attempted rape, Mace has routinely sided with the oppressor, and not the victim.
Read below to learn more about Nancy Mace's background and how it affects her policy decisions in South Carolina.
The backstory on Nancy Mace's role in the Nikki Haley sex scandal story.
While working as a political consultant for Nikki Haley's opponent, Mace helped spread a sex scandal rumor about Nikki Haley and promoted the dubious story using her blog website, FitsNews.
In 2010, Nancy Mace's business partner, Will Folks, in order to disrupt Haley's governor's race Folks claimed that he had an affair with Nikki Haley. FitsNews spread this story immediately after it was reported that Haley was leading in the governor's race polls after a surprise endorsement by Sarah Palin.
This sex scandal story is noteworthy because it helped promote both the FitsNews website, because it gave the website national attention, and it also helped the campaigns of Haley's Republican primary opponents, a campaign that Mace was helping.
It is worth pointing out that it was just days before the 2010 Governor's primary election where Haley was leading in the polls, when Will Folks decided to publicly claim he had a affair with Nikki Haley. Folks released alleged text messages between himself and Nikki Haley that turned out to be a giant nothing burger. When people questioned the accuracy of his account and the timing, his response was (are you ready for this?) he wanted to tell everyone publicly as to not upset his wife by having her find out privately. Wow, what a gentleman. Then Folks continued to endorse Haley publicly, even though he had just tried to burn her.
Haley ended up winning and became sworn in as South Carolina's governor in 2011.
Mace's business partner, Will Folks a-k-a 'Sic Willie' was known for his "unpredictable temperament" according to SC pundits. David Kurtz referred to Folks as a "loose cannon." The State called Folks the "bad boy" of South Carolina journalists.
In 2005, Mace's Fitsnews business partner pleaded guilty to criminal domestic violence in a Columbia, SC court. (More on South Carolina's problem with violence against women below, and Mace's history of siding with the accused and not the victim.)

Just to clearly connect the dots for everyone, Nancy Mace decided to become business partners with a man with prior convictions of domestic violence who was known at the time for being erratic and temperamental at work.
Mace then acted as his spokesperson as he publicly promoted an alleged affair with Nikki Haley just days before a Republican primary where Nikki Haley was leading in the polls.
Mace promoted this smear story on FitsNews, a blog she was profiting from, and Folks posted alleged text messages with him and Nikki Haley on FitsNews to drive traffic to the site. Then years later while campainging, Mace tried to pretend she had no affiliation with FitsNews.
Just so there is no confusion, this is seedy at best.
In 2010, Mace was referring to herself as the "spokeswoman" for Will Folks as he smeared Nikki Haley, even though at the time, Mace was his indeed his business partner and actively working with him on the media smear campaign against Nikki Haley...
Mace also used the term "co-owner" of Fitsnews.

Buzzfeed had this to say about FitsNews and Mace being a co-owner in 2013:
Haley obviously was not a fan of Mace. South Carolina politicians know about this feud with Nancy Mace and Nikki Haley, even Lou Dobbs knew about it. Dobbs seemed amused to asked Nancy Mace about it while interviewing her for Fox Business. Mace awkwardly dodged the question. Watch the Lou Dobbs video here.
According to sources close to Nikki Haley, Mace allegedly begged Haley for forgivenes, presumably in hopes that Haley would endorse Mace when she was running against Lindsey Graham. Mace met with Haley to apologize and even cried during the meeting. (Haley did not endorse Mace.)
In 2013, RedState posted this commentary on Nancy Mace when she was running against Lindsey Graham in an article titled No Way In Hell I will Support Nancy Mace.
“People keep asking me about Nancy Mace running against Lindsey Graham. At the RedState Gathering, people wanted to know why she wasn’t on the agenda. Well, by the time it became an issue, the agenda was full, but even had it not been full I would not have asked her to speak. I have said for a while that conservatives eager to beat the establishment need to use a greater degree of discernment when it comes to candidates they put up.
As far as Nancy Mace goes, I think tea party activists need to discern some more and try harder. Count me out. The revisionist history going on about Nancy Mace’s record is a bit too much for me and the actual history disqualifies her in my mind.
Nancy Mace has been making the rounds of conservative talk radio and blogs lately with so many eager to beat Lindsey. One of the things she is starting to get some heat over, and rightfully so, is her relationship with Will Folks. This is a very good thing. But her response to it is to basically brush it off as Will Folks being a “client” and just one of many. That’s nonsense. They were business partners. She was co-owner of the website he used and continues to use as the platform for his stories about Governor Nikki Haley. And she served as his “spokesman” in response to all press inquires when he started smearing Nikki Haley with allegations of an affair.
She was his mouthpiece, she spread those stories with her own name. There is no way in hell I would have put her on stage at the RedState Gathering when that stage would be shared by Governor Nikki Haley and I have no intention of supporting anyone who was not only involved in that sordid mess, but is now trying to claim clean hands when she co-owned that website.
I just don’t think she should be able to get away with passing off what she did as just another service to another client. And if it was, then she is for sale in a way that everyone who thinks she would make a good public official should be extremely wary of. She should not so easily be given a pass for her role in smearing not just Nikki Haley, but the Haley family. I would love to find a challenger to Lindsey Graham who can win. But no way in hell am I supporting Nancy Mace.
UPDATE: It is worth noting that Nancy Mace’s former business partner has lept to her defense as I posted this. I rest my case.”
Although Mace's website, FitsNews is a very conservative website, it still takes regular jabs at Nikki Haley with headlines like, "Washington Ethics Group Wants Probe Of Nikki Haley's Private Flights" while at the same time promoting positive spin pieces about Nancy Mace with headlines such as "Nancy Mace Triumps."
It should be noted that Mace is still writing for FitsNews. Mace is the epitome of tooting her own horn. Not sure whose reality Nancy Mace's FitsNews "reality based community" is based on.

While Mace originally dubbed herself the co-founder of FitsNews, then tried to distance herself from FitsNews by calling Will Folks her client during her campaign. When she was called out, she settled on the term co-owner. Because, it's all about the spin, right?
FitsNews now refers to Mace as co-owner. In 2019, Mace still writes many blogs for FitsNews to promote her own political agenda. Below are two blogs Mace has written as recently as February 2019.

In 2013, Charleston City Paper urged Mace to "come clean" on her part in the Nikki Haley smear campaign.
"As the former co-owner of FITSNews, Mace presided over the South Carolina political gossip site during its most infamous days; many have speculated that the site at times operated as the propaganda arm of her consulting biz."
"While South Carolina Tea Partiers have little to no love for Sen. Graham — and that's being kind — one wonders how many will respond when they learn that his opponent was at the helm of a news site that "smeared" one of their own. As a woman, Mace will also have to address the fact that she was co-owner of a site that routinely referred to Gov. Nikki Haley in the most vile of sexual inappropriate ways, not to mention this uncomfortable 2009 faux interview with Nikki Haley posted by FITSNews."
During the awkward and inappropriate smear campaign against Nikki Haley, Mace and Folks decided to insult the entire town of Bamberg, South Carolina. (That's a bold move for a gal from Goose Creek.) Mace and Folks created this bizarre "faux interview" video that is insulting not only to Nikki Haley, but really all of South Carolina....
Mace's personal Twitter account was shut down for months while Twitter investigated accounts interacting with Russian accounts that influenced the 2016 election. When the investigation was over, Nancy was able to get her account back. She was welcomed back to Twitter on the FitsNews account, or either by herself or Will Folks. Either way, that's a lot of free publicity for a person to get from someone she tried to distance herself from by referring to as an old "client."

Nancy Mace received a massive backlash in 2019 when she publicly chided recently elected Democrat women for wearing all white to the State of the Union address to honor the women’s suffragist movement. The movement that fought for women’s rights, not only women’s right to vote, but to also to be elected. (Worth noting that Tiffany Trump, Republican Elise Stefanik and former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle also wore white to the SOTU.)

If anyone understood this women's movement, you would think it would be a female politician. But not Mace. Instead, Mace lashed out, hoping to attract more media attention and social media likes, but the likes turned into dislikes and the news articles were not favorable for Mace. Mace’s initial comments about her own post showed a woman disappointed that no mainstream media had yet picked up her harsh comments.
Even the Post and Courier, who seems to always be in Mace’s corner, allowed this tempered rebuke to be printed - Wearing White at SOTU Was A Symbol Of United Purpose. Powerful words from the Reverend Joseph A. Darby who is senior pastor at Nichols Chapel AME Church and the first Vice President of the Charleston Branch of NAACP.
Mace's attack of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and female members of congress may have been prompted because of their public comments on cracking down on campaign corruption.
Some thought Mace's comments were "completely out of touch with reality." Others pointed out that AOC had to climb the ladder herself, she didn't have her father propping it up for her, "AOC climbed that ladder herself and maybe that’s why Nancy is so mad. She’s sees women who were able to accomplish things she’s never been able to - complete independence." Ouch.
One person mused,
Seeing Congresswomen dressed in white to honor the centennial achievement of women’s suffrage “sets us back,” I wonder how Mace feels about this news from her state’s premier military college, and her alma mater? Reckon she calls it a “setback”?
Mace’s critics point out that Mace should be a champion for a women’s causes instead of constantly belittling other women. They say that while Mace posts a nasty public rebuke to women for dressing “alike” in white, Mace herself also dressed like others when she wore a uniform at the Citadel and even went so far as to cut her hair even to fit in, even though the Citadel didn’t require it.
Online people shamed the Post and Courier for even reporting Mace's social media comments as newsworthy, and others were blasting Mace for her post.
Some reminded Mace of how she got in the Citadel.
Some took to twitter to post photos like below with the comment,
"We’re not going to dress like others."- Interesting line of attack from a woman who voluntarily went to a college with a uniform."

Suffregist women were clubbed, jailed, tortured and beaten for women to finally have the right to vote. Dora Lewis had her head smashed against an iron bed when thrown in jail and was knocked unconscious. Her cellmate Alice Cosu suffered a heart attack because she thought she was trapped in a cell with a dead person. Both were denied medical care.
It is mind boggling to watch a female Representative mock women's right to vote, and publicly disrepect the women that gave her that right.
Not only does Mace not promote Republican women, nor Democrat women, nor South Carolina women, nor Citadel women, nor American women... someone pointed out that Mace doesn’t even promote the women in her own family. Over the years Mace’s speeches and social media posts frequently mention her father Brigadier General James Emory. Mace sings praises of his parenting and how proud she is of him. Yet Mace rarely ever mentions her mother publicly.
The downside of spending her life trying to fit in a man’s world is that Mace lacks the ability to understand a woman’s world. She has demonstrated that she is unable to relate to other women, and and appears to lack empathy for anyone, male or female. In her world, empathy is a sign of weakness.
Mace lacks the vision to understand a nationwide movement of women’s empowerment. She has spent her career building herself up by knocking other women down. Everything Mace does appears to directly promotes herself, not a cause, not a party, and certainly not a state. Mace has revealed her addiction to attention, whether it is good or bad. Because of this, Mace will never be a true leader that could bring together the Charleston community of different races, different genders and different ideologies.
In the past Mace has told colleagues that she’s a Tea Party Republican or a Libertarian. She has only run for office on the Republican ticket. Her beliefs are very far right. One critic of Mace didn't mince his words as he stated, "Mace is a far right teabagger who helped get Steve Bannon to The Citadel for an honorary dinner and speech, which was widely derided by the local conservative press! She is a well-named flame thrower for the alt-right."
Her social media posts through the years show someone who is very intolerant and not a remotely moderate Republican. Someone who understands social media marketing, as Mace does, knows that promoting violent imagery of a dead woman only promotes more violence against women. Below are images of Mace showing Hillary as a dead man and a beheaded Cathy Griffin.
Noteworthy because South Carolina still ranks as one of the deadliest states to live in for women, according to US News. If SC lawmakers showed an awareness of how violence begets more violence, maybe the state would be safer.

In another post, Nancy Mace praises violent imagery by tipping her hat to "The Donald" with this photo of a headless Cathy Griffin. Again, violence against women is no joking matter, especially in South Carolina, a state that usually ranks first in domestic violence against women.

Using graphic imagery of as a form of intimidation is stooping to the bottom of the barrel as a media strategy. The optics are bad. This technique has not been well received publicly. After Sarah Palin showed Arizona Representative Gabby Gifford in a graphic with crosshairs, Gifford was shot. Last year, Trump was criticized for sharing a graphic video that the Nigerian Army used to justify killing protestors. And recently Roger Stone got in even more trouble when he shared an image on Instagram of Judge Amy Berman Jackson with crosshairs of a gun near her head. (The judge then placed a gag order on Stone.) Even Fox News, NBC and CNBC are reporting that Facebook content moderators are having PTSD symptoms from simply viewing violent images.
Mace thought the above images were acceptable to publicly promote even after she had already run for office and was promoting herself as a public figure. Mace is the lowest of the low in the Republican Party, and the GOP is at a historical low point right now with divisions within the party.
Last year Mace received a lot of criticism online when she publicly mocked Christine Blasey Ford. While one could debate Ford's motives for waiting to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape, Mace ironically bashed Christine Blasey Ford, then immediately came out and said that she had also been sexually assaulted. So, which is it? Mace can't bash a woman who didn't speak up sooner, and at the same time be a woman who didn't speak up sooner.
And even though Mace denied it publicly during a debate, Mace has taken money from gun groups. Most Americans agree that there needs to be some stricter gun laws, Mace disagrees. She has taken money from gun groups and promoted the idea of more guns in schools.

Immediately after a deadly school shooting in Florida, instead of showing support to Florida's first responders and condolences to the parents, Mace did what she does best, slung insults. Mace referred to the Broward County Sherriff's office as "Broward's Cowards." The timing of her post shows how insensitive she is to both first responders and parents grieving murdered children.

There is one woman Mace has a soft spot for and has promoted repeatedly. It's NRA spokeswoman, Dana Loesch.

Obviously Floridians were not happy with Mace's condemnation. Worth noting that South Carolina is the 4th deadliest state for gun homicide. The death by firearm rate is 47% HIGHER than the national average. Some South Carolinians worry that as a public figure, Mace's comments could potentially get more people killed.
Even Republican colleagues in South Carolina struggle to defend Nancy Mace. One of her first moves as a freshman Representative was to propose Amendment 83… a bill that had already been passed the previous year. Mace defended it by arguing with a female SC House Representative. You can watch the whole embarrassing debacle on CSPAN. The interesting bit starts at 04:40.
Mace did not do herself any favors when running against Lindsey Graham and pushed the moniker "Nancy boy graham" to reference Graham's purported sexual orientation. Mace claimed that a staffer retweeted the tweet accidentally. The only problem with this spin is that she was in charge of her own social media during her 2014 US Senate campaign. When pressed on the issue and asked how many staffers she had, Mace admitted that she retweeted the insensitive tweet. She went from "I did not retweet it" to "I take full responsibility for the tweet."
After her embarrassing interview with Lou Dobbs and her Nancy Boy misstep, Mace was awarded the CDGOPTD title or "Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day."
During her 2014 US Senate campaign, Mace was part of what pundits called "A Cornucopia of Crazy" when she showed that she didn't understand the difference between climate and weather. In 2014, she claimed that it was not possible for the climate to change because there had been a recent freeze in South Carolina. This led to mocking on a national media level.
While many Republicans deny climate change, Mace went so far as to deny climate.
For years, Nancy Mace was a political consultant and worked on many political campaigns doing social media. Before the 2016 election, Mace was already known for her work setting up fake social media accounts to promote everything from 100% false stories to partially true spin pieces that were beneficial to whatever campaign she was working on at the time. This is not speculation, prior to the 2016 election, Mace's job was setting up fake social media profiles to promote her candidate or smear opposing candidates.
In 2015, Mace was hired to work on the Trump presidential campaign. She did social media for the Trump campaign as that was her political wheelhouse. Whether paid directly to do social media for Trump or if she took this on in addition to her other campaign duties, she definitely used her real account (and her fake accounts) to promote Trump through social media throughout his campaign and after the campaign. She even set up an auto-retweet that would retweet anything from Trump's account to her account.
In 2017, when Twitter was catching heat for accounts using it’s platform to run Russian interference, Twitter began it’s own investigation into accounts directly linked to Moscow. During this time, Mace's account @NancyMace was shut down for several months.
To be clear, this blog is not reporting that Mace had direct ties to Russia during the 2016 Presidential campaign, what it is reporting is that Twitter thought she had direct ties to Russia during the 2016 Presidential campaign.
(Mace never responded publicly to deny that she was under investigation.)
The most jarring part about Nancy Mace is her repeated refusal to debate opponents, both Democrat and Republican. Most savvy politicians jump on the chance to publicly debate opponents during a campaign to set themselves apart from the competition, but not Mace.
While running against Republican Mark Smith, Mace was terrified about debating him after the below drinking video surfaced. During a radio interview with Kelly Golden, Mace lied and said that the GOP canceled the debate because, according to Mace, not enough people RSVP’d. To South Carolina Republicans, this was laughable because apparently it wasn’t even a debate that requested attendees RSVP. When contacted, the GOP said that they didn’t cancel the debate, it was still on. But Nancy Mace was a no show.
In her next campaign, Mace ducked debating her Democratic political opponent, Jen Gibson. Her repeated cowardly actions show Mace as more of a retreater than a leader.
Even the Palmetto Insider was bothered by this, pointing out in their article that Mace is no stranger to public speaking and to everyone who knows her, knows she loves the opportunity to get in front of a camera or a crowd.
Mace's justification for not debating Jen Gibson was basically, "look I debated someone during my last election and it did not go well for me."
In October 2018, Mace told Daniel Island News that “My positions haven’t changed” (since her last campaign against a different opponent) and "my schedule is extremely full. I’m scheduling a full four weeks out." What politician in their right mind doesn't make time to debate their opponent during an election campaign? If a candidate is running for office and they don't have time to debate their opponent, they make time. It doesn't matter if it is a local, state or national election. Debates have been happening in America since 1858. Mace needs to realize that voters deserve transparency, not a politician who pretends she only accepts reservations 4 weeks in advance. Voters are asking for information on all candidates, not a last minute reservation at Husk. Mace also claimed she didn't like the format used by the League of Women Voters. Worth noting that LWV has been hosting debates since 1976, and somehow all those candidates through the years found time in their schedules to show up.
When Nancy Mace did show up to a debate on her home turf, Daniel Island, to debate Democrat challenger Cindy Boatwright, constituents complained about Mace's lack of decorum. Mace apparently was rude to both the moderator and her opponent and created a palpable uncomfortableness with the audience. According to audience members, during the debate Mace was distracted and “ignoring the moderator, flipping her hair, checking her phone.” ….Checking her phone during a debate while other people were speaking. Even easily distracted Trump wouldn’t do that.
This is 2016 Mace, in her 40's, married with 2 small children at home. She was no political novice at the time this video was filmed. At this point in time, she had worked on social media and smear campaigns for both national and SC campaigns.
Her Republican rival, Mark Smith said this about Mace’s drinking video that surfaced during his campaign, “I have been reluctant to talk about the video she posted on her own social media and that has been circulating online. I do, however, feel strongly that voters, particularly those who hold strong family values, should be made aware of her poor judgement including her participation in playing a fraternity-type drinking game and locking lips with someone other than her husband in the video. Enough is enough, let’s not have another nationally embarrassing politician in our state.”
The telling part is that Nancy Mace originally posted the drinking video online herself. No one had to dig it up, it was there for all to see. So this video is disturbing because the fact that she posted it herself, shows either an immense lack of judgment or (more likely) a desperate attempt for publicity.
This video is one of the many reasons Mace's values fail to represent the community of people that she has been chosen to represent. Link to her drinking video (graphic imagery).
Mace didn’t break any glass ceilings by attending the Citadel. Shannon Faulkner fought for all women to have the right to attend the Citadel. Several women attended the Citadel at the time, Mace was the first woman to graduate, simply because she transferred in with credits from a junior college, and took additional summer classes to ensure that she graduated before her knob class.
Citadel alums say that Mace was given shade or preferential treatment because her father (Brigadier General James Emory) was on the board of the Citadel at the time. He was the Commandant of Cadets, so Mace was able to dodge the hazing that other women were receiving at the time. It stands to reason that her father petitioned the school for her acceptance since Mace was a high school drop out with a drug problem. She wasn’t exactly the best and the brightest of their applicants.
One person who was excited about Mace attending the Citadel was her mother. Apparently her mom was excitedly bragging about the prospect of a book deal to co-workers from the moment Mace stepped in the door at the Citadel.
Former students say her book about attending the Citadel is mostly a work of fiction, while Mace herself when directly asked about the book just kind of shrugs and rolls her eyes as if to say, “it was so long ago, who is to say if it’s true or false?”
Since college, Mace has continued to insult Shannon Faulker publicly. In 2018 Mace said this in the Post and Courier and this on Live 5 and this with WCBD. Mace launched a smear campaign against a former fellow female classmate for no apparent reason, other than Mace getting more publicity.
After one of the times Nancy Mace publicly criticized Shannon Faulkner, Attorney Karl Novak came to Shannon Faulkner's defense with a letter to the editor urging Mace to show some respect. While others bluntly refer to Mace as "riding the coattails of military women who made it possible for her to graduate from the Citadel" and a "Trump supporting moron."
On November 23, 2017, Mace told the Daniel Island News, “But, I’m not a political consultant, and never have been.” This is 100% false. She consulted on many political campaigns for years and had already run for US Senate.
Mace repeatedly used the "I'm not a politician" tagline in her 2017 campaign, which was interesting because she had already run for US Senate against Lindsey Graham and worked for years on political campaigns. I think what she meant to say was "I'm not a successful politician."
She repeated this erroneous line "I'm not a politician" in other interviews.

Even in her own political promo pieces, Mace claimed that she wasn't a politician. Again, she repeatedly said this even though she had already run for office and worked in politics over a decade on several different campaigns.

And more "not a politician" from the politician...

While Mace claimed to be a "business woman" she neglected to mention that her business was politics. She had only worked in real estate for a year or two before she ran for office the second time.
And when her Republican opponent chided her for her work on the Trump campaign, it hit a nerve. Mace doubled down on how proud she was to work on the campaign. She wrote that she was "proud of my service to help Donald Trump get elected as president."
Mace somehow thinks getting paid to work on a controversial campaign for a candidate that neither party really wanted as a leader is somehow 'serving' her country.

As of April of 2019, Mace still promotes concepts and ideas that are false. Mace repeats the term "infanticide movement" as if it is a real thing. It is not a movement. Nor is it a movement by "liberals."

Mace has proven herself a leader in creating more division in South Carolina though divisive comments and insults.
It should be noted that the abortion rates are the same for Democrats and Republicans. The states with the most abortions are red states. And many states get women seeking abortions from neighboring red states that ban abortions.
Also, Mace seems to think that tech companies are responsible for movie ratings.

Unfortunately Nancy Mace has made a lot of chatty enemies over the years, from her days at the Citadel, a college that didn’t want women there (much less a woman who didn’t even get in on her own merits), to her days working on political campaigns where she was referred to as “The Smear Dear” to actually running for office where she ruffled a lot of feathers on both sides of the aisle.
Now Charleston locals complain about everything from Mace's unfriendliness and rudeness to her dilapidated home. Apparently, a few years ago several people contacted the Daniel Island Home Owners Association in Mace's Charleston neighborhood to complain about her house that according to sources “looked dilapidated” and “like a haunted house.”
The main complaints were an overgrown front yard, house numbers falling off the house and a front porch that desperately needed new paint. Mace’s house was an eyesore on an island that prides itself on freshly manicured lawns and well maintained picket fences. Interesting that someone who couldn’t even take care of her own house is in the SC state house.
And many in Mace's neighborhood were bothered by her Trumpmobile which was an eyesore in a neighborhood with a strict HOA that encourages residents to park their cars in their garages and not leave boats out overnight. Allegedly this monstrosity sat for weeks or months parked in front of a neighbor's house because even Mace didn't even want this giant atrocity of a billboard in front of her own overgrown home.

While some people in Charleston complained about Mace’s lack of attention to details when it comes to her home, others are bothered by her social unawareness. South Carolinians offered up that Mace “can be off-putting” because she is completely self consumed. While others offer a more direct, “she’s a total b*tch, and the worst part is, she’s proud of it. I feel sorry for her kids.” Locals depict a woman who seemingly does whatever she wants with no awareness of how it may impact other people.
Accaintences say that Nancy is one of those people who can give a speech and talk to a room full of people, yet if you try to talk to her one on one, "it's painful. She can barely hold a conversation unless she thinks you're about to donate to her campaign." Another added that Mace knows a lot of people in South Carolina, but doesn't seem to have any close friends, outside of her family.
And although this is somewhat common in political campaigns, some Daniel Island residents felt slighted because Mace pretended to be likeminded to get campaign donations from Democrats. They didn't realize that she was a far right Republican who worked on the Trump campaign until after they donated. While Mace may have acted unethically, maybe they are also partially to blame for taking her at her word instead of researching her sordid background.
Some South Carolinians simply dislike Mace for lying about her background, while others are annoyed that she lied on social media about something as basic as where a photo was taken. Mace has proven herself comfortable creating a false reality to accommodate her needs.
Many South Carolina voters dislike Mace's policy stances. Some think Mace needs to "get her head examined" for not supporting the ratification of the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) in South Carolina, which has bipartisan support. Mace used antiquated talking points that date back to before she was born to defend her stance.
Some in South Carolina gripe about the hypocrisy that Mace spent 2 years getting paid to campaign against immigrants, then had her home renovated by undocumented immigrants before Trump was even sworn in.
Immediately after the 2016 election, in November 2016, after receiving money from the Trump campaign, Mace allegedly used that money to have her home renovated using workers without proper visas. She purportedly used an "off the books" contractor known to give the best price because he uses undocumented workers. It is not known if building permits were required for the renovations and if Mace received the necessary permits. It is also not known if she mentioned the added square footage or added value of her home when filing taxes every year since 2016.
Mace received a total of $57,091 working on the Trump presidential campaign. It is not known how much she spent on home renovations, but based on before and after photos of Mace and online comments from Charlestonians, it is widely known that Mace had renovations on her body as well as her house.
While people frequently have plastic surgery for personal reasons, the timing of Mace's procedures, right after she was paid for her work on Trump's campaign, have led to unfortunate and disgusting comments on her "Trump tits." She allegedly posted a photo to Instagram showing them off, then promptly deleted it.

We know that Mace was "fired" from Larry Grooms political campaign because Nikki Haley refused to endorse Grooms if Mace was working on his campaign. It is possible that Mace continued to work on his campaign under another name. (Mace has allegedly given fake names while working as a consultant on campaigns, either to avoid taxes or to avoid ownership of her misdeeds.)
Allegedly Mace was fired from the Trump campaign, although there has been no indication why. Her final invoice was in September 15, but the campaign wasn't finished until November. She still purportedly maintained some sort of contact with Steve Bannon and had him speak at the Citadel after the 2016 election, which sparked a wave of protests in downtown Charleston.
Mace also continued to promote Trump after leaving his campaign, even when she ran for office, posting photos of herself with him and bragging about working on his campaign. Mace was later given GOP PAC money for her own campaign, presumably because of networking while on the presidential campaign.

When Mace first met Trump, it was after she had already been hired to work on his presidential campaign. He reportedly checked her out and said something along the lines of "well, aren't you a pretty one." That is an inappropriate enough comment for a boss to say to his employee, but the really cringeworthy part is that Mace was "giddy like a schoolgirl at the attention." Not exactly a pioneer for women being respected in the workplace.
At a time when American women are fighting hard to be recognized for their accomplishments and their minds and not their bodies, Mace is seemingly taking women backwards with her repeated tone-deaf actions and comments.
This article is free opposition research to anyone who wants it. If you are Nancy Mace’s next political opponent, you should contact her first husband and people who knew her during her first divorce. Also, contact Shannon Faulkner to see all the pluff mud she's slung her way over the years. Talk to people who worked on Nikki Haley's 2010 governor campaign and also all the campaigns that hired Nancy Mace or The Mace Group. Speak with people who knew her during her time on the Trump campaign where she reportedly talked constantly about Don Jr. And if you really want to do some digging, there are rumblings that Mace may have taken campaign donations from individuals and groups and never reported it. Also look into Mace's political consulting company, The Mace Group, of which she is/was the only full-time employee, so it is a "group" of one. I guess that is to be expected for a purveyor of fake news.
Mace reportedly stopped doing political consulting because her clients dried up, and there were also rumors of her not paying vendors, that is why she switched to selling commercial real estate part time.) In both political consulting and real estate, Mace has had instances where people simply didn't want to work with her because they thought she was unprofessional.
While South Carolina isn't exactly known for it's squeaky clean politicians, Mace sinks the low country even lower. As the New York Times puts it, "Dirty politics seems to proliferate in South Carolina." Maybe in the next election cycle, South Carolina can clean up it's image by ousting it's corrosive politicians.